Jingxian Liao

I’m a PhD in CS, graduated from University of California, Davis and advised by Professor Hao-Chuan Wang. My research area is Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial intelligence (AI), with a focus on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing and Human-AI Collaboration. My studies use social interaction mechanisms and human-centered AI approaches to understand and facilitate general online users to forage, evaluate, and apply knowledge online individually and in group.

I hold a B.S. in Statistics from Hunan University (2016) and an M.S. in Statistics from University of California, Davis (2018).


10/23: I will attend CSCW 23 in person in Minneapolis, MN, with two demos about my work for critical reflection and video-based knowledge exploration! Welcome to stop by my booth on Monday evening!

08/23: I will join the Grace Hopper Celebration 2023 in person, Sep 25 - 29 in Orlando. Feel free to connect!

03/23: We will have a Special Interest Group (SIG) about “Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences” in CHI 2023! Welcome to discuss about the future of hybrid events with us!

11/22: I will attend GROUP 22/23 in person in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina!

11/21: Our paper “Combating Sampling Bias: A Self-Training Method in Credit Risk Models” has been accepted by IAAI 2022 and will be presented in Feb 2022!

04/21: Our paper “ConceptGuide: Supporting Online Video Learning with Concept Map-based Recommendation of Learning Path” wins the Best Student Paper Award at the Web Conference 2021 (WWW 2021) as the only winner!

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