Jingxian Liao

I’m in the job market for full-time positions, such as Applied scientist, Data scientist, User experience researcher, etc. I design and build systems that facilitate the consumption of online unstructured resources for general users and support human-AI interactions for end-users. Please reach out if you know of any opportunities!

I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science at University of California, Davis, working with Professor Hao-Chuan Wang. My research area is Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial intelligence (AI), with a focus on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing and Human-AI Collaboration. My studies use social interaction mechanisms and human-centered AI approaches to understand and facilitate general online users to forage, evaluate, and apply knowledge online individually and in group. I’m also part of the SIGCHI working group on hybrid conference experiences.

I hold a B.S. in Statistics from Hunan University (2016) and an M.S. in Statistics from University of California, Davis (2018).


10/23: I will attend CSCW 23 in person in Minneapolis, MN, with two demos about my work for critical reflection and video-based knowledge exploration! Welcome to stop by my booth on Monday evening!

08/23: I will join the Grace Hopper Celebration 2023 in person, Sep 25 - 29 in Orlando. Feel free to connect!

03/23: We will have a Special Interest Group (SIG) about “Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences” in CHI 2023! Welcome to discuss about the future of hybrid events with us!

11/22: I will attend GROUP 22/23 in person in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina!

11/21: Our paper “Combating Sampling Bias: A Self-Training Method in Credit Risk Models” has been accepted by IAAI 2022 and will be presented in Feb 2022!

04/21: Our paper “ConceptGuide: Supporting Online Video Learning with Concept Map-based Recommendation of Learning Path” wins the Best Student Paper Award at the Web Conference 2021 (WWW 2021) as the only winner!

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